Lord, How Did I Make It?

Posted on March 18, 2014.

How did I make it through the long hours, financial surprises, emotional floods, intellectual hurdles, and relationship strains?

How did I survive the long waits for answers to issues that I had no answer for?

How did I keep up with the schedule, the distances and the expectations that only grew each day?

How did I NOT fall out of love with a job that pushed me to the brink of emotional fatigue more times than I can count?

Two words, ‘YOUR GRACE’.

Paul said it well, “8 For it is by graceyou have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV)

Lord I cannot boast, I cannot be arrogant, I can only say thank you. Your grace, goodness, and love for me helped me make it. There was a role I played, by knocking, seeking and asking you for guidance (Matthew 7:7). I had to get up each day and put one foot in front of the other. I had try when I felt fatigued. I had to believe and stay with you when I was confused.  I had to read the books, do the research, admit I was wrong and try again.

But my own creativity, diligence and efforts in the end did not get me to this finish line.  It was your embrace of me during these seasons of challenge that got me through.  It was your patience and forgiveness that gave me chance after chance.  It was YOUR GRACE.

I believe the same will be true in my future. So, I enter this new season of my life with appreciation and confidence. I know your grace and favor still abide on my life and future. 

I know for the rest of my life I will have seasons when I will be asking the question, “How will I make it?” But, now I know the answer will be the same, “YOUR GRACE.”

Your thoughts: Name one thing that GRACE helped you survive this year.  My word if I had to choose one would be “pressure.”