The Chance To Do It Right

Posted on March 11, 2014.

Have you ever wished you could jump into a time machine and go back and live a season of your life over? How many hours have you spent in the land of “Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda?” What if you took a second look at your life and saw this season as a, “Chance To Do It Right” season. Now you know what to do, now you know more than you have ever known. Instead of living twenty more years regretting that you were a bad father, be a good one today.

 Instead of dreading your past financial mistakes start making good ones today. Learn from a woman described in the book of Joshua. Her name was Rahab.  She was a harlot who owned a house of prostitution that was well known in Jericho her home town. Israel was about to attack her city and she decided after hearing about what God had done for Israel to join them (Joshua 2:9-14). This was an intentional choice to change her life, bring her family with her (Joshua 2: 12-13) and finally do things right. Imagine a woman taking charge because there was nobody else with the insight or ability to manage this difficult moment. Sometimes it is just that way. Don’t wait on a man, friend or family member to change your life when nobody else gets it. Take charge make the change and testify about it later. Later in life she finds a man but she was smart enough to live in the season she was in at the moment. Join me in the following prayer and apply her wisdom to your life.

Prayer: Lord, help me recognize that I can’t go back and erase the bad choices I have made. But, I can go forward and take advantage of the chances I have now to “DO IT RIGHT.” I can only focus now on what I do know and who I what I can build. Therefore I join Rahab who changed her life and became the grandmother of David (Matthew 1:5). Like her I want to go from where I am to a place I never imagined I could be. Lord she went from prostitution to recognition far beyond her dreams. She did not live to know her great grandson would be King but God knew her choice that day would give her family for generations. I believe you will do the same for me. I can start again. Men may still call me by my old name or issues. But, you have a plan for me that can take me beyond my past. I now declare I have a chance to do this right.